
Friday, November 28, 2014


"4 Main Phases of Twinflames Relationship:
A Twinflame relationship is not all ‘perfect’, as one might expect, especially in the beginning. They have many obstacles, these may be age, geographic locations, beliefs, race, income brackets…
There are four main phases that usually resonate with all twinflames in some way.

Phase One – The Preparation 

This phase comes before you meet your twinflame. What happens in this phase:
*Karmic Relationships

There are one or few seriously devastating relationships. These begin with strong emotions and end painfully. These are called Karmic relationships.
*Emptiness and Strong desire for ‘The One’
After you’ve been through the Karmic relationships, you’ll have a very deep yearning or desire to find ‘The One’.

Phase Two – The Meeting 

This is the phase when you meet your twinflame for the first time (in this incarnation).
You might try to resist at this point but you will fall for him/her anyway.

What happens In this Phase:
*The first meeting 
you’ll meet your twinflame in unusual circumstances or at some unexpected place (a place where you would not expect meeting your life partner/soulmate)
.You’ll find this person somehow ‘special’ at this point. Even though you might not even think of them as a partner.
*The initial attraction 

You’ll soon find yourself being attracted to your twinflame. 
You might not be ready for a relationship (because of the karmic relationships that you’ve been through) and so you might try to resist this attraction. 
You’ll fall anyway. Deeply in love.

 After the initial attraction, you’ll find yourself in a deeply romantic relationship.
You’ll find all that you want in your partner and much more.
This is what the Twinflame relationship is actually supposed to be like. 
And this is what it becomes (if not better) after you get through the problems that surface in the next phase.

Phase three – The Dance – Resolving what is known as the Karma

In this phase, all the accumulated negativity and lower emotions come to surface.
This lets them achieve higher energy levels so that they can ascend in bliss together.
This is also the phase where both twinflames get spiritually enlightened.
This is when they search and find the spiritual reality. 
If you’re currently in a Twinflame relationship, you’re probably in this phase (as this is the period of time when you usually begin finding information on this).
What Happens in this Phase:

This phase brings many arguments and fights. 
This happens because the negativity that each partner is carrying within (usually at a subconscious level) comes to surface.
The twinflame will reflect this like a mirror and so you’ll think its in them, when in reality its in you.
This begins the deep cleansing process.
*The blame game

Each twinflame sees their own negativity and clutter in their twinflame. 
Also, deep seated fears and frustrations surface.
 So you think its happening because of the other and start blaming each other. 
You consciously might not realize it but this is clearing all your clutter which is a good thing.
*The Runner and the Chaser

The arguments and the blaming causes a lot of confusion (because usually the spiritual process is not understood by the conscious mind, as we are conditioned to trust logic more that feeling).
One twinflame, at this point, takes the role of the ‘Runner’ (which is usually the man)
. The Runner tries to avoid the partner and runaway from the relationship.
This happens because the runner doesn’t consciously know what is going on and feels like he’s losing control.
The other twinflame, now, becomes what I call the ‘Chaser’ (usually the woman)
.The Chaser is spiritually more aware than the Runner at some level and tries to ‘chase’ or ‘run after’ the runner. 
Chaser feel the need to understand what really is happening and so they start searching or reading about it.
This usually leads to the enlightenment of the Chaser.
 The Runner becomes spiritually enlightened too, either through the chaser’s conscious effort, or by receiving a ‘Soul Shock’ when the Chaser gives up and goes away from the Runner Twinflame.
The Phase gets stretched longer the more the Runner runs. 
Ultimately, the runner does return and the Karma is finally fully resolved.

Phase Four – The Reunion

This is the phase of the reunion. 
This is when the split soul becomes One again. 
This happens first at the level of the soul and then in the physical plane.
The reunion happens when both the partners are fully aware of the spiritual reality."

Friday, October 10, 2014

Bright sunlight 
you make me sleepy--
seeming like a glow at the end
I die but in my rest

White, bright you glow
and the
Selfless skies are
filled with the idea of

Lead filled eyelids 
droop like thick drops 
As if coming from you
only not

This wavering drowse
Like drunk off love
Or high off laughter
drifting daydreams
where nothing matters

Friday, April 13, 2012

thoughts from April still felt today

There was a sluggishly slow start. 
It was about time a change took place. 
A quick difference in pace. 

"Ask and you shall receive".
Dreams granted with delay, inconsiderate to the sensitivity of my current time--constraints.
Thank you, Universe.
A growing desire for independence.
An inconvenient monetary dependance.
Ball and chain indicate that I must work and
break my back until further successes.

"Work harder and shut up",
says the inner critic,
the one who knows my highest potential and
who's voice isn't loud enough.
"Stop complaining,"
a mere whimper from within.

As I readjust my gears to high speed,
the time has come yet again. 
A halt. 
Another "fork in the road".

My inner warrior battles my mind while I keep a straight face and take part of my daily responsibilities. Out of all my jobs, the most time consuming and with no cash reward is the one where I sort my thoughts. With a budget in my pocket, I can't afford to spend too much on insignificant things.

Somewhere in between the real now and a dream, I misplace what happend.


We are liquid
taking the shape
of where ever

we are placed.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Good Morning Rituals

Honey and tea.
You are the milk
To my honey and tea.

Black mixes with white
And I drink a sort of tan.
And if we burn it then, the honey,
Is the color of your eyes and--
Careful to see that my hair too
Is cinnamon.

We are so sweet.
You, milky honey.
I, spice your tea.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

the drive

dark gray and light blue
meet to mix the hue
of the silhouette that weeps
over and across the street.

the shaded asphalt
moved from the swaying of the tree
somehow looks as if
imitating static t.v.

the wind flirts with my hair
fluttering through my lashes,
as sun kissed caramel strands
make thin wavy blurs.

a smell of winter and greens
overflows from the
open windows,
airing over me.

my thought process is
whimsical to create this
beautiful imagery of a
task so typical

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Portugal on my mind

We are a little more than two weeks into the year and I am still found in the same predicament as I have been for the past couple of months--jobless. Not completely hopeless but a little more than frustrated, yes. I know that slow is sure but everything else around me spins at a moderately high pace. I am caught in a whirlwind where my sluggish impatient mind finds itself hustling breathlessly in the every day high speed. To remedy my doubts and frustrations, I decided to wander more and fly over to Portugal.

We've begun the summer of 2013 and I've just arrived to one of the rockiest wildest bays I've witnessed. The sea looks really excited to meet me and crashes its waves against the high cliff which I'm standing on.The breeze is quite alright with me and it's currently 25 degrees Celsius. The wind makes my cotton dress hug my hips and flap behind my thighs. From here, I can see the delta of the Tajo river where it opens up to kiss the ocean and the fishermen's boats sprinkle with green and yellow and red and their canvases halfway up, all over the dark blue. But that view is all to my right and it seems right because this is where I'm left to be for some time now. Up ahead, is nothing but the vast-sometimes-unforgiving ocean. While leaning up against the thick white rail, I make note that all this blue is what holds you and I together, for now. 

You would love it here. You would enjoy all the meals and the two-hour mid-day break every one takes. We can bike over the bridges and dry our clothes in the sun (I promise I'll use extra softener). When the water permits, we can surf and when we have some time off, we could drive to Spain. I've mastered the language here. I'll teach you, it's easy.This place is filled with colors from top to bottom and lush greenery and air I know we both need. I promise you and I will make our dreams come true. 

The music is folksy and reminiscent of older times but it pairs so well with the quaintness of it all.  I'm staying in the town of Costa de Caparica. I get to develop a rapport
 within the next two months and really settle down before school starts. I will finally be an English teacher! Remember how much we spoke of these plans? It seems surreal that you are still so far away...

Day dreams. If only they paid us.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

my Present(s)

It was a matter of hours before the weather cooled and the days got shorter. 
As the red and white tents peak out around town the firs are gone and in their place lay boxes of fireworks on wooden tables... And again awaits another ocassion. 
The slight drop in temperature makes my legs goosebump and causes my nose to tickle if I breathe in too deeply. It's just so... chilling.


We all experience changes throughout the span of our lives but if examined closely, you can read the daily's. It ultimately involves taking a read of yourself, which in itself is expansive, like Sunday's paper. Approaching the last seventy-two hours of the year, I would like to take note of certain points I came across while squinting:

Believe in yourself as well as in others.  Be sure to realize your virtues and keep at a distance your vices. You can achieve and therefore motivate others around you. Make as much peace as possible within yourself  and your relationships. Most importantly, STAY POSITIVE.

Listen to your mind-body connection. If you haven't found it, search for it! Breathe. Pranayama.

-  Stay grateful and true. Write down the small daily happenings that have made your day or for which you are thankful. Create awareness, ground yourself and be faithful to your roots.

Exercise. To gain physical strength is a mental and soulful gift, more so if done throughout yoga. (It has become incredibly therapeutic to me.)

They have all been imprinted into my conscious daily life and like little flowers, they will take time to flourish from within their seedlings, however patiently I may have to wait. It is quite all right because I also learned this year to love intensely yet discretely. I dare not get ahead of myself.

Which leads to the above all, divine intervention that I had this year: You must live in the present day.

We should all put some time aside and read ourselves, first thing in the morning. Stand firm with what you believe and become aware of those around you. Put in some time to that crossword puzzle you've been working on from last week's paper or look through the careers section for another job. Be content with where you are and don't worry about last months tragedies or how the stock market can potentially crash in the future. Live here and now! There's a world out there that's moving on. Are you being left behind?

December 29, 2011: What were you thinking? Who were you loving? How madly did you dream? Why didn't you go with your instincts? When will you start to change your habits? Where were you?

Set yourself up for 2012. Are you making the headlines?