In the process of sleeping and laying in bed, my mind jogged along with several thoughts, as usual. I felt a breath behind my neck but it was heavier than human. Relax, my mind said, tigers sense fear and will attack as soon as they smell it. I relaxed and in the wake world, I felt my body sink deeper into the mattress. A race began in my brain that was telling me that I couldn't afford to freak out in this situation because the tiger would know and attack. The tiger sniffed me out even closer. This took me to the edge and before I knew it, I was standing up in the corner of my bed, tiger now pouncing out and began to chase me.
I don't recall for how long or where it chased me because the images changed and I was no longer in my room but I wound up in a forest and the tiger did attack me, biting my back and neck. I did not feel hurt but very afraid. I didn't bleed, either.
After doing some research, I am overwhelmed by the accuracy of the definitions given that when blended together, reflect to the perfection of what I have experienced as of late.
Sleeping signifies the ignorance of circumstance and avoidance of issues... with the tiger. The powerful tiger, attacking, is symbol of repressed emotions due to unwilling confrontations. It is clear to me what it is that I've been hiding from and why I had not told my tiger. With all reason, the tiger bit me, in representation of the unspoken emotions and problems. I read that it may be metaphorical to biting off more than you can chew. It is clear to me, really, that I have pushed someone to their limit.
Ending up in the forest indicates me searching for a better understanding of myself.
I need to become aware of my thoughts.
I need to think before I speak.
I need to control my emotions.
And when necessary, I need to step out of me and view myself (witnessing stance).
I am so blessed yet I'm stupid and reckless. I will not lose this battle because my mind is capricious and my heart is a clinger. I WILL TAKE CONTROL.
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